My Favourite Meals of the Week

pork pre cooking  pork + bulgur wheat

This is how I cooked some pork loin steaks I bought (you guess it! HALF PRICE at Tesco’s). It is a sort of ‘casserole-y’ type dish where I just bunged some garlic, shallots, early potatoes, tomatoes and carrots topped with the pork into the oven. After about 20-30 minutes (I kind of lost track of the time), there were some lovely aromatic juices at the bottom of the dish so I added some bulgur wheat to bulk it up a bit and absorb everything.

finished port + veg casserole

In hindsight I would have pre-cooked the potatoes maybe for 10-15 minutes first so that they were a little softer. But all in all, quite a yummy little dish and very easy to make as everything is in one dish. It is also an easy one to keep in the fridge for leftovers the next day!

chicken noodle soup + veg

This chicken noodle soup/broth was really to use up some defrosted chicken stock I had in my fridge and my oh my did I feel full afterwards. It felt like I had eaten two meals – I actually had to stop half way for a ‘break’. To be fair I did use a whole courgette and half a lettuce as well as some prawns though. Eyes bigger than my belly.

steak and misc

I put the leftover garlic butter (‘recipe’ here) that I had made earlier that week into the pan to give the steak some lovely flavouring and cooked it more towards the well done side this time. After resting, cut into slices. De-licious. I just served with some roasted plum tomatoes (10 minutes in the oven on a moderate heat), a fried egg and rice. A bit of a miscellaneous dinner but I enjoyed every minute of it.

3 comments on “My Favourite Meals of the Week

  1. trampstudent says:

    This look satisfying especially after a day of studying! I have followed you as I think we have similar interests – I also run a student food blog and have just set up a Student Bloggers group on LinkedIn to help us lot network!

    Let me know what you think of my blog when you get the chance 😀 It’s nice to find like-minded people.

    • amedicstudent says:

      Thanks for stopping by and taking the time to read my blog – it’s definitely a challenge creating varying posts and I love reading other food blogs for inspiration!

  2. […] quick and budget meals specifically written by and for university students. The blog is called “yum yum for my tum”, check it out! However, my habit of going to the Spoke atl east twice a day might take a while to […]

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